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chinese input

  • Rime IME

    Recently, I subscribed the news feed of ArchWiki (Arch Linux Wiki) New Pages with Feedly. This allows me to know what is new about Arch Linux in some sense. Then, I found this, Rime IME. In Windows, I used Sogou Pinyin Input which is very nice, because it intelligently solve the sentence problem. In Linux,… Continue reading

  • libgooglepinyin: Pinyin input method for Linux

    In my opinion IBus (Intelligent Input Bus) is the most popular input framework for Linux. Previously, SCIM is the most common input framework. This is because Ubuntu uses IBus as its default input framework currently. There are two Chinese pinyin input for IBus, one is ibus-pinyin, another is ibus-sunpinyin. I prefer ibus-pinyin, since it is… Continue reading